
MY Thoughts on the Dark & Lovely "AU NATURALE" Brand Name: “ANTI SHRINKAGE”

Like I said in my last post, I think it was a very good thing that Dark and Lovely came up with this New Range, AU Naturale. However, I have a problem with the connotation “ANTI SHRINKAGE”. I do not believe that there is any product out there that will reduce the level of shrinkage on any head of natural kinky hair. Shrinkage is almost synonymous with Natural Kinky Hair. Natural hair shrinks because it is naturally coily or curly and it coils/curls up once it comes in contact with moisture. I believe this is a way natural kinky hair preserves moisture on its own.  So anything that removes that ability of natural hair to shrink has altered its chemical state, thereby permanently making it straight. So I think it is a bit “gimmicky” for Dark and Lovely to add “Anti Shrinkage” as part of the brand name for this new range of products. I do not even want to go on and say whether or not it reduced shrinkage in my hair, I think we all know what my answer is. So ultimately, I would suggest the company takes off that connotation from the brand name. That’s it for me y’all.


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